I went shooting yesterday, and I took these rifles, Mosin-Nagant 91/30s:
First mistake: Time of day and season. Because of the low height of the Sun in the Winter and the direction of the range, I was shooting more or less into the Sun. The glare of the Sun in the open sights of the first rifle made it almost unshootable. In order to shoot it from a rest, I had to hold one hand over the rear sight to block out the sun. Or I could stand up into the shade from the roof over the firing points. Neither led to good results.
Second mistake: Shooting two rifles with ComBloc surplus cartridges. Those rounds have primers which generate corrosive salts. To properly clean them, you have to remove the actions from the barrels and then, using a funnel with a hose (a "transmission funnel" from the auto-supply store works well), pour boiling hot water down the bore of the rifle in order to wash the salts out. Then you clean the bore and everything else carefully with the bore cleaner of your choice. (I don't use Hoppes #9, for I do not have an outdoor area to clean weapons.)
Doing that to two rifles took a lot longer than I wanted, so I'll go back to shooting only one rifle at a time.
But I did manage to break loose my wallet and splurged for a larger flashcard for my camera. The old one, which I bought when I got the camera, was a 256Mb card. The new one, which was about 40% the price of the old one, is a 2
That should thrill the fur right off of my cats.
Remove the bolt. Stick the muzzle in a pan of boiling water. run a jag and patch up and down the bore untill the water coming out is clear and the barrel feels hot to your hand. Clean with #9, makes the hous smell right.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I'm not about to stink up the inside of my place with that stuff. Until I found an alternative, I just stopped shooting in cold weather.
ReplyDeleteI hope that was a 2Gb card ? But I know how nice it is not to worry about how many pictures you can take. I was at the AF Museum in Dayton and wished I had more storage....
ReplyDeleteGood catch, Jim.
ReplyDeleteNot that I think anything will come of it, I did write my Congressman and told him that according to the 2nd Amendment I expected the governments, State and Federal to build more public firing ranges, and have rifles and ammunition available for those Militia that can't afford their own.
ReplyDeleteStill having looked at his voting record he needed to know he has one 2nd Amendment citizen to represent... he is a representative isn't he?
Earl, while I like your idea, I hope you sent that letter via e-mail. That way, you're not out the cost of the stamp.
ReplyDeleteIf you can get your hands on some Wolf Gold 150 gr FMJ you won't have to worry about corrosive salts, and it is supposed to shoot like Russian 7N1 sniper ammo.
Good shooting.