Saturday, January 3, 2009

Advice to Conservatives:

I freely offer this bit of advice to the conservatives who are worried about how many liberals may be appointed by President Obama to government positions.

In offering this advice, I am keeping in mind the tenor and quality of the Bush appointees, which were made foremost for their political loyalty, with competence being a distant second considerations (remember how well appointing a horse-association guy to be head of FEMA worked out).

As I offer this advice, I am keeping in mind that the Bush Administration staffed the Justice Department with graduates from one of the lowest-ranked law schools in the country; they were not seeking "the best and the brightest," but the ideologically pure and the incurious. I am keeping in mind the NASA political appointee who was a college dropout. I am keeping in mind all of the appointees into the EPA from the oil and coal industries and the appointees into the Interior Department of people from the mining industry.

So, to those conservatives who have not yet fully taken to heart that Obama whomped the shit out of McCain in the election and, as a result, he gets to appoint pretty much whomever he feels like appointing, if you want to complain about Obama's appointees, here are two things you can do:

First, drink a strong cup of this brew:

And then go blow yourselves.

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