In sessions with policy experts, Bush tends to ask questions that get right to the nub of a sticky issue. His top aides speak regretfully about how the country never got to see that side of him, even after all this time. They describe a man who is deeply inquisitive, not blithely incurious as much of the world thinks."Deeply inquisitive," my ass. Mister Deeply Inquisitive needed to have his aides burn him a DVD of news coverage three or four days after Hurricane Katrina hit so he could know how bad things were. There were reports of when someone offered a dissenting view of the need to go into Iraq, Bush accused that man of being disloyal. Mr. Inquisitive was offering upbeat assessments of Iraq when sectarian violence was spinning out of control. When the economy began spiraling down the tubes, ol' Deeply was there denying what most Americans knew to be true.
Everything a schoolchild in the year 2110 will need to know about the Presidency of George W. Bush can be expressed in a simple eight word sentence:
"He was the worst president in American history."
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