Obama will benefit from a bigger Democratic majority in both houses of the new Congress that convenes Tuesday, but leading GOP lawmakers declare they have had little say and warned yesterday that they will use their power to sidetrack any stimulus bill until they are satisfied. ... Citing Obama's promise to eliminate waste by scrutinizing the federal budget "line by line," McConnell said Republicans want to do the same thing to the stimulus bill, "page by page, line by line - eliminating those programs we don't need, and insisting that those we do operate in a sensible cost-effective way."Shit, why the hell not? It's not as though there is going to be any price to be paid for by the Party of Hoover for dragging down any plan to turn the economy around; pissing off Harry Reid is possibly the least politically dangerous thing to do that there is.
Funny how, after turning a blind eye to the gross fraud, waste and abuse that has been rampant in Iraq, now the POH is concerned about budget waste.
What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
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