Wednesday, October 15, 2008

OMG! They Killed the #2 Guy!

The military has announced that they killed the #2 al-Qaeda leader in Iraq.

To my recollection, this is about the fifteenth time that they have killed that guy.


  1. Thinking about "The Prisoner", are we?...;-)

  2. No, not at all. I barely remember that show, other than the huge-ass water balloons.

  3. Oh, my GOD....This is SO exciting. Can you imagine, killing the #2 guy in Iraq. What a hoot. How many times are these cretins going to go to the well?

  4. It was a running gag on "The Prisoner" that every week, Number
    Two would fail in his plot to make Number Six talk, and he would be "retired" and replaced by a new Number Two next week.


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