Monday, October 20, 2008

The Health of the Candidates

Today's New York Times has a lengthy story concerning what is known about the the health of the four candidates for president and vice president (which was mirrored on IHT).

There are questions about all four of them. Obama recently quit smoking, but there is a question as to whether he is still sneaking cigarettes. Nothing is known about Palin, other than her infamous eight-hour trip from Dallas to Wasilla to give birth.

The two serious questions are about Biden and McCain. Biden had two "berry" aneurysms, there seems to be a risk of recurrence of that form of aneurysm. McCain has a number of problems, including questions regarding the extent and severity of his skin cancer.

All four candidates seem to be doing their best to avoid discussing this topic. Based on what is known, the one who is being the most evasive about this is John McCain. In that he and his campaign is refusing to answer serious questions about this topic, the irresistable conclusion is that they are hiding something.

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