Sunday, October 19, 2008


Quicker flight coming back and, as it was later in the day and to the southwest, nowhere near as cold. Unlike yesterday, I felt comfortable going GPS direct, which put me over much higher terrain. And I had a tailwind of about 15mph to scoot me along. The difference from yesterday was noticeable.

Yesterday, there were some clouds over the mountains. I would have wanted to fly at 7,500' to go over the hills. I could have done it the way I flew yesterday lower than I did, but higher usually means a nicer ride. I took a couple of photos; if they are any good, I'll post them. Only took a couple, because it was damn cold once I opened the side windows to take them.

Even if flying doesn't save all that much time (maybe 90 minutes each way), it beats the hell out of being on the roads.

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