Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You Know An Election is Coming

You can be pretty sure that an election is coming when stories like this start to appear in the press.

Just like in 2004, when the Department of Homeland Security kept changing the colors on the Stoplight of Death every other week ("Yellow Alert!" "No, it's orange!" "It's purple!" "Set Condition Magenta!") before the election, the Bush Administration releases stories about "al Qaeda is coming to slaughter you in your beds" a couple of months before each election to ratchet up the fear level.

If you were paying attention back then, you might have noticed that after the `04 election, the alert level stopped changing.


  1. The ones weak-minded enough to buy into it, are likely the ones who voted for Bush in the first place. Thanks a bunch.

  2. For shame, citizen! It is your patriotic DUTY to cower in terror and beg to be protected by your brave Republican masters. Why, if you fail to properly cower in terror, don't you know that the terriers will win?!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. I'll just point out, however, that we cat-owners already have terrier attack defenses at our homes that are more effective than Department of Vaterland Security's measures. No terrierist will make it past The Mighty Fang and Mencken!

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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