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Slava Ukraini!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Fucking Democrats Deserve to Lose
The Democrats won't schedule a vote on S-Chip (health insurance for children) because they know that Chimpy will veto it. But the Republicans are pushing for a vote on offshore drilling, because they know the Democrats oppose it. The Republicans know the value of a bit of theatrics, of some cheap headlines. The Democrats have no idea, none at all.
The Democrats, once again, are bringing a Nerf-bat to a gunfight. They are being outplayed and outmaneuvered and the worst thing is that they seem to have not a fucking clue as to what is being done to them.
The Democrats in Congress are a pack of clueless morons. They deserve to lose in November.
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COMMENT MODERATION IS IN EFFECT UFN. This means that if you are an insulting dick, nobody will ever see it.
Yes, but WE don't deserve to have them lose.