Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Unelected President

I don't feel like blogging about the economy right now, for it feels as though the GOP looked over a cliff, wondered if the nation's economy would survive being thrown onto the rocks on the bottom, and decided to conduct an experiment by throwing the economy off the cliff.

So instead, let's go back to 2004 and revisit the stealing of the election by the Republicans. Or skip to the present day and how they're planning to steal this one.

1 comment:

  1. I don't buy it. 40% of voting-age Americans stayed home and basically said they had no problem with George W. Bush as President. Of the 60% who went to the polls, half of them voted for George W. Bush. So basically, you have 70% of Americans who voted either for George W. Bush, or who had no problem with George W. Bush being President.

    We are living Mencken's dictum that democracy is the notion that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Alas, those of us who did not go along with the common people in the last two elections are getting it good and hard, too :-(.

    - Badtux the Numbers Penguin


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