Monday, September 29, 2008

I Thought So

That "Country First" slogan of the GOP was just pure bullshit.
Ample “no” votes came from both sides of the aisle, but Democratic leaders managed to persuade more than 60 percent of their members to back the measure, while more than two-thirds of Republicans balked at spending so much taxpayer money just before the Nov. 4 elections.
Just bullshit.

Every day, young Americans go out from behind the wire in Afghanistan and Iraq. They go and risk their bodies and their lives because it is what their duty demands of them.

Virtually every one of those 228 congressmen who voted down the bailout did so, not for ideological reasons, not because they had a better idea, but because they were afraid to risk their jobs. It was their duty to do what is required to stop the financial collapse of this nation and, yes, possibly of the industrialized world. They failed, miserably.

They are cowards and most of those cowards are Republicans.

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