Friday, September 5, 2008

Pass the Popcorn, Again

I swear, this shit just gets better and better.

The upshot of it is that Palin's son, Track, may have joined the Army for a time-honored reason: To stay out of jail. And this after he spent his senor year in high school in Michigan for no good reason. And Palin's ex-brother-in-law may have been the trooper that investigated Track's sorry ass for vandalizing school buses and stealing vodka from a liquor store. So there may be even more to "Troopergate" than just the sordid tale of a marriage gone bad.

More here and here and here.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of weirdos name their boy-child "track"? Does he have a sister named "field"? Curious penguins want to know!

    Oh, and yeah, it does seem he made tracks pretty well to join the Army ahead of the law...

    -Badtux the Track-and-field Penguin


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