Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Earmarks, I Haz Them"

Up until about two weeks ago, that has been the attitude of Sarah Palin towards earmarks. As reported, the State of Alaska (where she is the governor) gets more earmark money per capita than any other state.

$1.2 million to research the genetics of harbor seals.

$1 million to research rockfish fisheries.

$3.2 million to research sea lion.

McCain disparaged doing DNA research on bears, but Palin is all for DNA research on other species, using Federal money.

Palin, when she was the mayor of Wasillia, was so pro-earmark that she hired a lobbyist associated with Jack Abramoff's outfit to get more Federal money for Wasillia.

And now she is against earmarks?

How convenient.

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