Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Does This War Seem Familiar?" Part II

Counter-insurgency war on the Asian continent.

The local government that we are backing is fielding inadequate forces.

The government of President Thieu Karzai is famous for its levels of corruption and inefficiency.

The war has dragged on for seven years and shows no sign of ending.

The Air Force is dropping bombs on straw huts mud brick houses.

The Administration pronounced "we've won" years ago, but the war goes on.

General Westmoreland Petraeus is asking for thousands more troops.

And now, the President has authorized expanding the war into neighboring countries

Yes indeed, President Nixon Bush has authorized expanding the war into Cambodia Pakistan.

Doing the Time-Warp Dance....

1 comment:

  1. Yeppers, every day it seems more and more that "Karzai" is "Thieu" translated into Pashtun...

    The problem is that the tighty righties have re-written history until it wasn't their backing of an imperfect vessel (Thieu) who made lousy decision after lousy decision that resulted in the disaster that was South Vietnam, rather, it was all those pesky liberals, who presumably defeated South Vietnam by all going down there and singing "Kumbaya" and getting all the ARVN soldiers to desert (the streets of Saigon in 1975 were littered with the discarded uniforms of ARVN soldiers who chose to run home and hide rather than fight). Which reminds me of "Want a new rifle? Never fired, only dropped once, previously owned by the ARVN" or should we say "Afghan Army" given that in recent actions where outposts were attacked by the Taliban, the "Afghan Army" has run screaming like little children and let the U.S. troops handle the fighting part of things. So, I guess "Afghan Army" is "ARVN" in Pashtun :-}.

    So anyhow, those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it. But now we have a new theory to consider: Those who re-write history are doomed to repeat the real history that they re-wrote. So it goes. So it goes.

    - Badtux the History Penguin


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