Monday, September 8, 2008

"Earmarks are Bad"- - "Earmarks are Good"

Palin the candidate is against earmarks. Palin the governor is for them. Palin the governor was against the "Bridge to Nowhere" after congress moved to cut off the funding. It's easy to be against a $50 million dollar project that would benefit your home state when the project is already dead. Funny thing about all of those Republicans in Alaska; that state would freeze over without Federal money or the "free money" from the oil companies. Something like over a third of Alaskans work for the Federal or state governments in one way or another, so a goodly percentage of those "good Republicans" are hypocrites. If they so hate government, why are they holding down government jobs?

1 comment:

  1. It's always the same shit, isn't it? It's okay for me, but not for you.


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