Monday, August 18, 2008

Paging Harry Reid! Paging Nancy Pelosi!

The Congressional Democrats have something in common with three of the characters in the Wizard of Oz. In that story, they lacked a brain, a hear and courage. The Democrats in Congress (most of them) lack courage, but they lack two other different things.

After a diligent search around the Internets, two of the missing parts have been found.

Your spine:

And your guts:

Try not to misplace them, again.


  1. Sad to say, as soon as you showed them those two things, they forgot about it. You need a *brain* to remember where your spine and your guts got off to...

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. These things (including the brain) are surgically removed at the DC border.

  3. Bring back Newt!
    Bring back Tom Delay!

    (heh, heh, just kidding.)

    But boy howdy the current Dem leadership should have learned better how to get some stuff done watching those bad actors.


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