Monday, August 18, 2008

Got Raped? Go Directly to Jail!

That is no joke. If you are a woman in Afghanistan and you are raped, you will be sent to prison for 20 years for the crime of being raped. That is just one small step above the Taliban executing rape victims.

So where is the enlightened democracy that was supposed to bloom in Afghanistan? These are the people that we are sweating blood and treasure to free from oppression?


  1. Phew - good thing I was in Brooklyn and not in Kabul.

  2. What?
    What the Hell do they charge these women with, assault with a friendly weapon?

  3. Freedom (tm) is only for people with penises in Bushevik world, silly woman!

    - Badtux the Sovok Penguin

  4. DCup, I thought about that after I posted it. If that stirred up some agina, I apologize.

  5. Don't you worry about that! I'm not the first person who's been raped, and sadly, I won't be the last.

    How horrid for the women of Afghanistan, though. As if they haven't dealt with enough.

    P.S. I'm feeling an itch to do another post about cultures that have no gender balance....


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