Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Not Always a Good Liberal

No, I'm not. Not when I read stories such as this, about an Ohio inmate on Death Row who claims that he is "too fat to be executed."

First off, Ohio used to have an Old Sparky. Thomas Edison electrocuted an elephant over 100 years ago to, in part, prove that alternating current was dangerous (Edison favored direct current).

Second, while it would probably be illegal, a firing squad with Winchester .458 Magnum rifles would also suffice.

I'm not a fan of the death penalty. But the idea that a convict can eat his way off Death Row bothers me.


  1. If someone can get in that condition in prison, I'd say there is a problem; he is obviously getting too many calories, and doesn't have enough to do.

  2. Seems like the sensible reply would be "Okay, we'll fix that. Here's your cracker for today."

  3. I was thinking just like deadstick.

  4. BobG, my understanding is that in most prisons, the Death Row inmates are in their cells a minimum of 23 hours a day.

    I'm with Deadstick on this: Give him a cracker a day until he's skinny enough to kill off.

  5. Perhaps they could shoot him up with a ton of glucose mixed with Coca-Cola to kill him with an instant diabetic overload.
    Or maybe they could string him up like a fat pinata and let his victims whack him till candy falls out.


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