Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Bush Forgery

According to Ron Suskind, George Bush ordered the CIA to forge a letter, purportedly hand-written by Saddam Hussein, to justify going to war against Iraq.

I have said this before and I say it again:

Every word uttered by the officials of the Bush Administration is a lie, including "and" and "the."

Update: Dan Froomkin's take: "Suskind, a Pulitzer-winning reporter and relentless chronicler of this administration's secrets, depicts a White House with a simpleminded bully in the Oval Office taking direction from a paranoid vice president -- and caps off his latest expose with what he acknowledges sounds a lot like an impeachable offense."

As if those spineless fucks in Congress would ever do anything about it. The Republicans impeached Clinton over lying about getting a blowjob, but the Democrats cannot muster the guts to impeach Bush about lying about the necessity to start a war.

Most of the congressional Democrats are little more than useless hunks of oxygen-consuming protoplasm.

UPDATE II: Of course, the duty press spokesweasel denies it. As if that means a fucking thing.

UPDATE III: The first draft of the forged letter.

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