Thursday, August 7, 2008

No, It's Called the "Truth," Ralph

Nader, who's called Bush a "raging pit bull," hates the spoiler label that's been hung on him since that election, saying it's "a contemptuous word of political bigotry."

No, it's the hard truth. If you think things have seriously gone off the rails in this country, the man who threw the switch to send the train down the wrong track was Ralph Nader.


  1. Nader and Perot....both nasty little beasts.

    How many times has Nader run, anyway?

  2. At least four, maybe five times. The MSM only picks up on `00, `04 and now `08, but he also ran in `96 and `92, I think.

    He is the Harold Stassen of the Whackjobs. If his ego were removed from his body, it would be so inflated that it couldn't fit inside either a blimp hanger or the VAB at Cape Canaveral.

  3. I gotta respectfully disagree. Nader has a right to run. Gore lost the first unlose-able election, by (1) not bringing Clinton to the fore and riding the economic prosperity train and (2) picking a goddamned fuckwad weasel like Liebermann as his running mate. I don't lay it on Nader's doorstep---it should not have been close. Gore ran a bad campaign....heck he couldn't even carry his home state.
    I refuse to give Gore a pass for his fat-headedness in 2000


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