Monday, July 28, 2008

"To Protect and Serve," the NYPD Way

You have to wonder when these chuckleheads are going to get the idea through their skulls that just about everyone with a cell phone can shoot video with it.

UPDATE: The cop has been suspended. Given that he is a rookie, the NYPD will probably just fire him. The cyclist is going to sue the City of New York and there is a chance that the cop involved committed perjury in his arrest affidavit.


  1. Un-fucking-real! As a devoted city bike rider for more than 5 years I am shocked. Thanks for the video and I hope it's cool I borrow it for my blog. I came from D-cup's site and your site is great. Hope it's cool if I blogroll ya...peace.

  2. Sure it's cool, I ripped it off from the NY Times. :)

  3. Well, I can admit to not being overly fond of bike riders in the city, thanks to some particularly douchebag-like bike messengers.

    Get your car slapped/nicked/run in to, or get your foot run over, or get shoved/run off the pavement or into t wall, and it changes your perspective.

    That having been said, some cops are just power-mad idiots looking for the excuse to crack skulls, just because they have"authoritah!"

  4. I've seen a lot of bicyclists I would like to knock down, but I fail to see what this particular rider was doing that deserved that. Seems more like some asshole just being a bully for fun.


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