Monday, July 28, 2008

The Non-News Story of the Year; DoJ Edition

WASHINGTON - A new Justice Department report concludes that politics illegally influenced the hiring of career prosecutors and immigration judges, and largely lays the blame on top aides to former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Monday's report singles out the department's former White House liaison, Monica Goodling, for violating federal law and Justice Department policy by discriminating against job applicants who weren't Republican or conservative loyalists.

And the surprise about that is what, exactly? Under Bush and Gonzales, the Department of Justice has become the Department of Politically Oriented Witch-Hunts. Under Bush and Mucasey, the DoJ's main job has been, just like the Department of Defense, an organization whose main focus is to pin the blame on the lowest possible underling while enabling the higher-ups to escape scot-free.

There is absolutely no honor at all in this Administration. They are a pack of scoundrels, through and through.

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