Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Reasons why Obama should choose Clinton for a running mate:

1. She came in second.

2. She will (presumably) work harder.

3. Clinton deserves it.

Reasons why Obama should choose someone else:

1. At one point in this country, the second-place candidate in the presidential election became the vice-president. That worked so well that the Constitution was amended in 1804 to get rid of that system.

2. Obama is the senator from Illinois, Clinton's home state. There is no balance there.

3. Why would anyone choose as his vice-president the same person who gave his potential assassination as a reason for staying in?

4. Clinton as vice-president would be enough to energize all of the Republicans who hate her and Bill.

5. Clinton deserves the same consideration that she gave to Nita Lowrey.

6. The last thing anybody needs to see is Terry McAuliffe, the "Baghdad Bob" of the Clinton campaign, continuing to run his mouth.

But who cares, the only person who has a vote in this choice is Obama. The rest of us, when we write about this, are just engaging in mental masturbation.


  1. >>Terry McAuliffe, the "Baghdad Bob" of the Clinton campaign

    Funny, we were watching him on the Daily Show last night and that's exactly the metaphor my wife used...

  2. I wrote that after watching the tape of the Daily Show when I was cowing down breakfast, so GMTA and all that.


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