Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Stupid Fucks in D.C.

This time, it's not the 535 elected morons in Congress, the two mouth-breathing fascists in the White House, or the nine black-robed overlords in the Supreme Court.

No, it is the local government, who has decided to start blockading city streets and demanding papers from all of those who travel upon the street. It won't be enough that you happen to be an American traveling down a public street, if the D.C. Volkspolitzei do not like your reason for traveling down the streets ("I'm an American citizen and I'll go wherever I damn well please" not being good enough for the D.C. Vopos), they will arrest your freedom-loving ass.

Lawdog has the story. I don't think its a surprise that it is a street cop who thinks that this is a horrible idea.

1 comment:

  1. Yep the fascist are still busy little beavers.
    Personally, this is so outrageous it's off the scale but I will say this is not the first time I have seen this here.
    Portland has drug and prostitution free zones, they basically do the same damn thing.
    All in all, if it wasn't so damn cold over there, the mountains of Idaho are starting to look better and better.
    Someplace far enough away to make even looking for my ass inconvenient.


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