Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hillary Bush

"I am so proud we stayed the course together.”-- Hlllary Clinton, giving her "non-concession" speech, June 3, 2008.

Stubbornness and an inability to comprehend reality are not virtues. We have had almost eight years of a president who, as a garnish, added "stupidity" to those traits, and we can see how well that has worked out. If "staying the course" was all it took, we'd be down to 10,000 troops in Iraq and Iraq would be a well-run secular democracy.

Fortunately, the Democrats in the House and the Senate are collectively playing this role:

Word is that Hillary, unlike the Baboon King, is being forced to bow to reality and will concede on Saturday. She was supposed to do it tomorrow, but doesn't everybody need another day of the Clinton campaign?

UPDATE: Hillary is 404.

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