Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Mr. Straight Talk" Finally Pays His Taxes

When you own eight homes, it can be hard to keep track of when taxes are due.

My heart bleeds for him.

Almost every place I know of, being four years behind in paying property taxes means the property gets sold at a tax sale.

Maybe the rules are different for Republicans.

(H/T to Blue Girl)


  1. Laws are for little people, apparently.

  2. In California it's 5 years, thanks to Depression-era laws intended to save family farms. What's overlooked is the *amount* of the tax. If I bought an $800,000 townhouse here in Santa Clara (1200 square feet, 2 car garage underneath it), I'd pay roughly $8200 per year in taxes. Thanks to Proposition 13 and its lock on property taxes, the McCains pay only $1800 per year on an ocean-front property that's worth at least $2,500,000. How is that fair? It's not. Just another example of how Republicans screw us...

    -Badtux the Screwed Penguin


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