Monday, June 16, 2008

Michelle Obama's "Blame Whitey" Rant

Comment follows the clip, so play it first, please.

Yes, folks, that's what the Wingnuts have been getting themselves in a tizzy over. They make shit up and then spread it around to see if it sticks. And it does, which is why you can find people who think that Obama is a "secret Muslim" or who think that he attended a madrassa or that Michelle Obama spewed a "blame whitey" rant.

But really, what can you expect? The "Big Lie" is the game that the GOP plays, which is why there are significant numbers of people in this country who still, to this very day, believe that Saddam masterminded 9/11.

(In the reality-based world, we refer to them as "morons.")

(H/T to Balloon Juice)

1 comment:

  1. joseph goebbels, while having tea with lee atwater is smiling down (or up) on karl rove -- such a good pupil.

    fwiw --- i wish for every whitey rumor someone would talk about cindy mccain stealing drugs from her charity


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