Monday, June 16, 2008

American Brutality

This is what was done in our name by our Army: Relentless and brutal beatings of prisoners.

This was not at the level of a "fraternity hazing," as apologists like Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) have said. This was mistreatment of prisoners to an extent that has only been exceeded by regimes such as the Soviet Union, Communist China and Nazi Germany.

Torture. Rape by sodomization with objects. Murder.

That is what our Army, under George Bush, has done in our name.

That is why George Bush needs to be put on trial for crimes agains humanity. And those apologists for war crimes, such as Rohrabacher, need to be shunned by civilized society, for they are no different from those who actually did the acts.

1 comment:

  1. did rush call is fraternity pranks at Phi Beta Abu Graibh


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