Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sherlock Holmes's Services Not Required in Georgia

It didn't exactly take a master detective to crack these cases:

In Athens, a man robbed a convenience store. In order to kill some time so that there would be no customers, the man filled out a job application form. He used his real name and he left the form there.

Meanwhile, over in East Point, another man took a taxi to a bank, robbed it, and then had the cabbie drive him home.

I guess I shouldn't be too hard on the dumb-ass crooks in the State of Georgia; it was a crook in Chicago who, when told that the safe could only be opened by the boss, gave employees his cell phone number so they could call him when the boss came back.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. These guys are on par with the slob in New Orleans who decided to rob a shop. A doughnut shop. Across from the police station.

    Needless to say, that did not turn out well for him :-).

    - Badtux the Stupidity-observin' Penguin


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