Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Off Duty

In short, I feel like shit. I'll spare you the "organ recital" of symptoms and stuff like that there.

My crappy physical state was only matched my turning on NPR and hearing the intro to the story about how Douglas "Dumbest Fucking Guy on the Planet" Feith is peddling his "it's not my fault" book. I heard maybe three or four words after his name before I managed to shut the radio off. Feith is one of the bastards intimately involved in the decision to shitcan the Geneva Conventions and align the United States of America with interrogation techniques practiced by the Spanish Inquisition, the KGB and the Gestapo. Really, the only words I want to hear from Feith are his last ones.

I know Bush's loyal general is testifying on Capitol Hill today. I'm sure other folks will have tons to say about that.

For me, I'm going back to bed.


  1. Shoot.
    Hope ya get to feeling better and i REALLY hope you don't have that crud thats been going around the last couple of months, that shit put me flat on my back for 3 days and then took a month and a half to finally get rid of.
    Chicken soup and a couple of snuggly cats for you!

  2. Here's some chicken soup, you should stay warm. Ess, ess, mein Kind.


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