Chimpy says that the "economy faces challenges."
This is kind of lousy news. Bush's main job description is "Mister Cheerleader," at least how he sees it. He never tells the truth of the situation at hand, he paints it in the best possible light and hands out the rose-tinted glasses to everyone he can. If McDouchebagger says "the economy faces challenges," that's almost like a weatherman saying "holy shit, grab the kids and head for high ground."
Beyond that, it is no surprise that Stupie McOneTool thinks the remedy is tax cuts. If the economy is doing well, cut taxes. If the economy is puttering along, cut taxes. If the economy is tanking, cut taxes. That's to be expected, though, for there is nobody for him to have tortured.
Tip to Paul Bernanke: If you go to the White House and Dick Cheney is coming your way with a bucket of water, a towel, and a box of Saran Wrap, run like hell.
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