Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cat Stuffing

I have a cat bet that Gracie used most when she was a kitten. Last night, Jake was in the bed. I was surprised that he fit into it.


  1. Jake looks a lot like my cat Baby.She has more black in the face with a white streak up one side.
    Freaky little thing has one pink and one black nostril.
    Amazing how small of a space they can get comfortable in, especially when you've seen them stretched out full length.

  2. Shoulda looked a little closer, Jakes face is almost all black.

  3. It's amazing what cats will fit into. Somewhere I have a photo of The Mighty Fang in a small shoebox that a pair of hiking sandals came in. He's kinda spilling over the edges a little, but otherwise manages to fit an 18 pound cat into an 8 pound box just fine.

  4. When he stretches out, he is a long cat. I was shocked that he could fit his body in that cat bed, or that he'd even want to.


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