Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Why Aren't Their Heads Exploding?

Can anyone tell me how a Bush White House official can have an exchange like this with a reporter:

Q: Is it ever reasonable to restrict constitutional freedoms in the name of fighting terrorism?

MS. PERINO: In our opinion, no.

without having his or her head immediately explode from the sheer force of irony?

Warrantless wiretaps. Warrantless searches. Detentions without charges, trials or access to counsel. Use of torture.

The men in this Administration must visit barbers on the way to work for a shave and the women have to have someone else do their hair and makeup, for if any of them had a smidgen of humanity and/or integrity, they'd be unable to look at themselves in a mirror without breaking down into an uncontrollable crying jag.

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