In a very recent story about Mukasey's vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee, the two Democrats who voted for him (Feinstein and Schumer) justified it this way:
"The 11-8 vote came only after two key Democrats accepted his assurance to enforce any law Congress might enact against waterboarding."
What a fucking crock of shit. Does anyone for a microsecond believe that Bush would ever sign a bill outlawing waterboarding? This assurance by Mukasey was as hollow as if he promised to make a snowman if it snowed on July 4th.
It was a disgraceful and cynical act for those two Senators to accept that assurance from Mukasey. It meant nothing and they had to know it.
Which means that both Schumer and Feinstein think we, the American people, are as dumb as a mud fence.
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