Friday, November 2, 2007

TSA: Cheating on the Test

Now comes news that when the Transportation (non)Security Agency tested itself to make sure the airport screeners could catch the bad guys, the TSA cheated on the test. The TSA provided the security staff with a description of the tester and what the tester would do to challenge security.

One can only hope that before they try their next terrorist attack, al-Qaeda is so kind as to send the TSA an e-mail to alert the TSA what they should be looking for. That would seem to be the only way TSA could catch them.

"Did you say there is a `bum' on the plane?"


  1. The TSA is one of the most bullshit things anyone ever put together; all they do is irritate the shit out of everyone without really making anyone safer.

  2. Indeed, the TSA is useless. Flight 93 is proof of that. Or the "shoe bomber". Americans aren't going to allow jet airliners to get hijacked again, TSA or no TSA.


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