Saturday, November 3, 2007

Spooks For Rent

Blackwater, besides providing gun-toting goons, also rents spies.

This is how it works: The CIA recruits and trains people, at great expense to the taxpayer. After they are fully trained and have garnered a lot of experience, Blackwater hires them from the CIA. Blackwater then reaps the benefit of all of that taxpayer-supplied training and experience by renting the very same spies back to the US at a far higher rate than the CIA paid them.

Their loyalty, however, is not to you or me. It is to Eric Prince. It is to whoever is paying them. And there is absolutely no guarantee that these spies will be constrained by US law, as we have seen with the operations of Blackwater's Bloodthirsty Goon Division.

This needs to stop. Now.

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