Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, CLANK!

I'm sitting here, watching a few news stories on my computer and, behind me, I hear "ding, ding, ding, ding, CLANK", followed by the sound of a cat running down the hall at full tilt.

It's George.

Years ago, I bought a bunch of little sleigh-bells at at a fabric/crafts store. To this day, they are among George's favorite toys. He really gets into batting them around and chasing them. Sometimes he'll do it at 3AM, but not often anymore.

George is the oldest cat I have (he's 11, now) and he plays the most with toys. The others aren't as interested in them. On occasion, I'll toss a rubber jack into the bathtub and George goes at it as if he's in a cage match.

They all will chase the red dot from the laser pointer, though.

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