Friday, November 9, 2007

Democrats for Torture

These are the Democrats who accepted Michael Mukasey's greasy assurances about torture:

Charles Schumer-NY
Dianne Feinstein-CA
Evan Bayh-IN
Tom Carper-DE
Mary Landrieu-LA
Ben Nelson-NE

And, of course, Joe Lieberman, DINO-CT, but he doesn't really count. He's one of the most reliable butt-monkeys that Dick Cheney has in the Senate.

Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama couldn't be bothered with voting, I guess. Not that it would have made a difference, because with the loyal stooges in the GOP and the six "we're not too sure if waterboarding is torture" Democrats listed above, there were 53 votes for Mukasey.

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