The judge in Minnesota rejected his request to withdraw his guilty plea.
This putz has been a senator for almost three full terms and he was a congressman for ten years before that, you'd think that after 28 years of making laws, he'd have some idea about the law. By pleading guilty, he bet the farm on nobody connecting the dots. He lost.
I'm glad he's staying around, if only for the entertainment value and the added bonus of having another "Republican family values" politician to kick around. I imagine the folks in Idaho might feel differently, though.
And, in what happens to be a fine example of "Karma is a bitch," the Republicans are holding their 2008 convention in Minneapolis. So you just know there will be a whole flock of camera crews seeking to do a stand-up at the scene of the crime in the Minneapolis airport.
Oh, this is going to be so much fun!
The comedians and bloggers of the world thank you, Larry.
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