Friday, October 5, 2007

Forget Working for the Feds

If you are gay or a gunowner.

If you are gay, you are regarded as being as much of a criminal as if you ran a whorehouse.

You get the same regard from the Feds if you own a loaded firearm or if you have ever carried concealed.

(Thanks to Pam's House Blend for this one.)


  1. Now that is interesting.

  2. I believe the concealed part is WITHOUT A PERMIT, which would get you arrested where I used to live. I'd say 20% of the guys I work with carry concealed. having done whatever their particular state requires.

    And there's a boatload of us that own guns.

    But oh. . no. . oh crap. .

    I've had CARNAL KNOWLEDGE. Don't tell anyone.

  3. If anybody asks me, Scully, I'll just tell them you saw the movie.



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