Sunday, October 14, 2007

Desperate for Success

Chimpy has Condi trying to push along a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

For six years, the Mideast policy of the Bush Administration could be summed up as: "Whatever you want to do is fine by us, Arik." The war criminals neocons in the Bush Administration had a pipe dream that if they could remake Iraq, that the rest of the Arab world would fall into line.

(How'd that work out, Stupie McNumnutz?)

So now, after missing opportunity after opportunity, after letting Mahmoud Abbas's government fail by an Administration policy of benign neglect, which gave Hamas its opening to grab power, Der Monkey Fuhrer has realized that he needs some sort of foreign policy non-disaster in the Middle East in order to have a glimmer of a hope of saving his legacy and to avoid the title of "Worst President in American History." The problem, of course, is everyone else knows it.

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