Sunday, September 30, 2007

Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me, a PT-17?

My friends all have Mooneys, this airplane would be keen,
Been quiet all my life, I'd like to be seen,
So Lord, won't you buy me, a PT-17.

So the Estate of Janis Joplin can sue me.

1 comment:

  1. Your friends all have Mooneys? Uhm, okay. A PT-17 would certainly get you seen, but if you want to get anywhere quick, the Mooney M20 will do that while get you seen too and I think it's a lot sexier. Though I suppose the 6% crash rate isn't very sexy, but what is a flightless waterfowl to do?

    No, I don't own a Mooney. I may be a flightless waterfowl, but that doesn't mean I'm made of money. Hold it, that doesn't make sense. Oh fuggedabout it, I'm gonna go eat some herring.

    - Badtux the Flightless Penguin


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