Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am Not so Nice

So I am checking my site monitoring gizmo and there has been a bit of an uptick in traffic. Some are coming from a mention by the field negro.

Others are coming from a marginally unclomplimentary mention by some Kool-Aid drinker in his blog (and no, I am not going to give him a link). The little putz referred to me as "some fellow." I guess he didn't do so well at reading comprehension.

So I dropped a little welcome to those guys into the post they are clicking into.

I am not a nice person, I admit it. Too fraking bad.


  1. Is this the blog you were referring to?

  2. Especially fun is when those blogs hot-link to pictures on your server. FreeRepublic did that to me. I got them back though. I replaced the photo they hotlinked to with a picture of Jeff Gannon in full male prostitute nudity pose (except with the, err, private parts, replaced with an elephants' head, with the trunk extending out where you'd think :-).

  3. You're bad, Badtux.

    I like that in a penguin.


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