A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Slava Ukraini!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Romney's Boys
I have another suggestion. Your dad is in favor of the Iraq War. So why don't all of you go really support what he believes in and GO JOIN THE FUCKIN' ARMY!?!
These GOP assholes; they all say they support the War, but that only goes so far as bloviating hot air and sending other people's kids off to the Sandbox. Their kids stay home.
You might have noticed that for all of Our Mountainbiking Chimpanzee's talk about how important the War is and so and and so forth that not once has he ever called for any sacrifice on the part of the people of this nation. This is his idea of sacrifice:
"I think a lot of people are in this fight. I mean, they sacrifice peace of mind when they see the terrible images of violence on TV every night."
Horrors. People have to see bad stories on the TV news. No calls for people to join the Army, for then Der Monkey Fuhrer would have to explain why neither one of his kids nor none of his nieces or nephews, i.e., not a single kid of the Bush family of military age, has joined the Army.
(Yes, one of them has joined the Naval Reserve as an intelligence officer in a reserve P-3 squadron in Florida. Oh, give me a break. That's a job that can be done wearing a dress and heels; on the scale of REMFs, that's about as REMFy as they come.)
No calls for conservation, for that'd be bad news for Unka Cheney's buds in the oil and gas biz.
No calls for war taxes to help pay the trillion dollars that this misbegotten clusterfuck is costing, for that'd land on the heads of his golfing buddies. (Disgustus Maximus rails at the Democrats for wanting to spend 20 billion to provide health insurance for children, but he sees nothing wrong with spending fifty times that much on his war.)
It's the Republican's war, but they're more than happy to let the future generations pay for the war and to let the children of the poor and disadvantaged fight it. When the Army offers a bonus of $20,000 for enlistees who are willing to ship out fast, you know they are not targeting kids who are driving around in the Beemers they got as graduation gifts.
Republicans: Fighting wars with other people's kids and other people's money.
(And yet, the Democrats cannot muster the spine to take these putzim on.)
It's their war. Why aren't they fighting it?
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