Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Trump Got Rolled By Mexico and Canada

Demented Donnie is crowing that Mexico agreed to put 10,000 troops on the border. He didn't know that those troops, and more, are already there. Canada agreed to border security measures that they already had agreed to.

My guess is that he panicked. The stock markets were beginning to tank and he seized upon an illusion of a deal in order to stop the slide.

Oh, sure, the MAGA Morons are claiming that he's a master negotiator, but the Senile Felon couldn't negotiate a raincheck at a grocery store.


  1. I was prepared to see the continuation of Fridays DOW plunge if he
    hadn't backed off. I still put that around the necks of the rethugs!

    Master negotiator, that fantasy, they meant masturbater.


  2. Like this?

  3. Wouldn't be surprised if he loaded up on the stocks that fell the most, then settled. Also interesting to see which congresscritters insider traded on it.


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