Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Musk Coup

We're letting a racist immigrant with a talent for self-promotion and looting companies destroy our national government.

If you disagree, call your senator and congressman. Especially your senator. If the dumbest man in the Senate can bring it to a grinding halt, so can yours.

The following picture is wholly irrelevant to this discussion:


  1. Is American bosshood underway?
    See Apartheid

    I like my coffee the way I like Elon Musk
    Freshly roasted

  2. Well it use to be called an audit, but you do you. I for one don’t want my tax dollars going to study how transgendered biracial midgets in Indonesia snort cocaine off of kangaroo tails.

    This is what money laundering looks like..

    Slaves who love their chains will remain in bondage.


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