Tuesday, February 11, 2025

There is a Reason Why It's Being Called the "Darwinnebago"

The CyberTruck is 17 times more likely to have a fire fatality than a Ford Pinto.

Yes, if you're dumb enough to have spent good money on a WankerPanzer, you bought yourself a firey coffin.

Seventeen times more likely to kill you in a fire than the good old exploding Pinto:

Yes, that Pinto, the car that was a poster-child for corporations that were willing to see their customers killed if it made a buck.

Meanwhile, other people are digging into the records to show that Musk has profited hugely off of Federal contracts and Federally-sponsored research and that at his companies that actually might do something, they've put him in a sandbox so he can't fuck things up. But I'll link to that stuff down the road. Got shit to do.


  1. More Chevy 4x4 w/dual side mount 16 gal gas tanks blew up in real life than Pintos in exhibition

    Cool video though, almost tempted to repost it ...

  2. Having had 4years of high-school Latin, even Virgil's Aeneid, I was one in the theater laughing hysterically at this scene....


  3. What's not funny was the pinto was fixable with a metal plate
    between the gas tank and differential mount that would pierce
    it... and ford new that!

    Stasitruck is more a problem as its also driven by idiots. We know
    they can't be fixed.


  4. The film of the Chevy truck exploding was found to have been helped along with a bit of assistance, with a separate ignition source, to get the fire started by the so called investigative news outlet.
    Anything to keep he viewers engaged and the ratings up. Nothing has changed since, just more competition for them. That's why you can't even watch local news anymore without the daily Trump antic report.


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