Monday, February 10, 2025

Corruption and Ass-Kissing At Work

The Trump administration on Monday ordered federal prosecutors to drop corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, arguing in a remarkable departure from longstanding norms that the case was interfering with the mayor’s ability to aid the president’s crackdown on illegal immigration.

That's one hell of a quid pro quo, there. Support the Ancient Orange Felon and he'll make your Federal criminal corruption charges go away.

1 comment:

  1. Trump's rewarding loyalty is just outright blatant corruption. Even his new Attorney General, Pam Biondi got a campaign contribution from him and suddenly dropped any investigation into Trump University. He will reward loyalty until the receiver of his largess doesn't support him 100% percent and that 1% reduction because of a conscienc, will make them instantly persona non grata.


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