Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Shepherd

This appears to be the full text of the book, so set aside a little bit of time.

A shorter version:

Happy Christmas, everyone. And spare a thought for those who are on the job tonight: Police, firefighters, EMS, hospital workers, military, all to keep the rest of us safe in our beds.


  1. The picture at 1:11 is a Vampire!

  2. Oh, I've never listened to it before (even though I used to listen to "As It Happens" when Alan Maitland was one of the hosts), I didn't realize it's a Vampire in the story...

  3. Some people got orders to defend Eindoven at all costs during the Battle of the Bulge. At least one came home to tell the story of the day. The interview is in a federal archive somewhere. Never told his family before that.


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