Sunday, December 24, 2023

Shorter Ohio: "Next Time, Kid, Do a Better Job of Attempting to Kill Jews."

A 13-year-old boy who was arrested and accused of planning a mass shooting at an Ohio synagogue will have to write a book report on a Swiss diplomat who saved thousands of Jewish people during World War II, a family court judge ruled.

The teen, who is not being named because of his age, was charged with misdemeanor inducing panic and misdemeanor disorderly conduct after allegedly making a detailed plan to shoot members of Temple Israel in the city of Canton, south of Akron.

He allegedly shared his plan on Discord, an online chat platform that has been used by previous mass shooters

Kid drew up a plan for mass murder and shared it online. Who else (besides the FBI) saw it and is there any way of knowing who downloaded it? And having him read up on Swiss diplomat Carl Lutz is going to convince him that he's a budding Nazi and he needs to change his ways?

I am skeptical as fuck.

And what about the parents who are raising this Hitler Youth? Is anyone taking a hard look at them?




  2. Maybe the parents are busy trying to get a hold of Alan Dershowitz. After all, their son has rights.


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